Sunday, October 23, 2005

Telegraph | News | Secret MoD poll: Iraqis support attacks on British troops

Secret MoD poll: Iraqis support attacks on British troops

Contrast this:

Earlier today, President Bush gave a short speech at
the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley,
California during the opening ceremony of the Air
Force One Pavillion, in which he claimed that "we're
draining the militants of future recruits by replacing
hatred and resentment with democracy and hope and
freedom across the broader Middle East."

With this:

These are the major findings from the secret MoD poll
as published in The Daily Telegraph:

• Forty-five per cent of Iraqis believe attacks
against British and American troops are justified -
rising to 65 per cent in the British-controlled Maysan

• 82 per cent are "strongly opposed" to the presence
of coalition troops;

• less than one per cent of the population believes
coalition forces are responsible for any improvement
in security;

• 67 per cent of Iraqis feel less secure because of
the occupation;

• 43 per cent of Iraqis believe conditions for peace
and stability have worsened;

• 72 per cent do not have confidence in the
multi-national forces.

And there you have the difference between "wishful
thinking" and hard reality.

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