Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Blog | Dave Johnson: A Hog Farm Next Door To Your House | The Huffington Post

Pay attention to this stealth attempt by the right wing!!! They are trying to disguise it. Don't be fooled!!

Dave Johnson: A Hog Farm Next Door To Your House: "There is a law on the ballot in four states that says if I want to open a hog farm or a chemical plant next door to your house and you don't want me to do that, then YOU have to PAY ME not to -- you have to pay me ALL THE MONEY I MIGHT HAVE MADE.
I am not kidding. This new law says that if you want to stop a corporation from dumping toxic waste into the river from which you get your drinking water, or stop them from venting dangerous chemicals into the air, then YOU have to PAY that company not to. I am NOT kidding!

The far right says that a government stopping a company from dumping waste into a river is 'taking' money from that company. I am not kidding. And you had better take this seriously or YOU will be PAYING companies to not harm you and your families."

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