Thursday, February 15, 2007

Fox News tries a right-wing comedy show. You judge. Are they funny?

Booman Tribune: Creeping Fascism or just a simple dictatorship?

Intelligence Leaks: Cheney's Call

Tony Snow: "I'm not sure anything went wrong in Iraq".

Please listen to tonight's session on Democracy Now! Greg Palast on Vulture Capitalists taking windfall gains from poor African nations, The Dixie Chicks, and more. It is a great program this evening.


jon said...

I thought the Fox News promo video was quiet funny. I cannot say much since I haven't seen the entire episode, but I am optimistic that this will be a new conservative trend. A politically incorrect comedy site called is already making conservative comedy on the net.

Steve said...

All I can say is "wow". I guess some people have to think that is funny. Not me. Here's Slate's take on the new Fox Comedy for Half-wits: Republicans Make Jokes

The 1/2 Hour News Hour is the brainchild of Joel Surnow, co-creator of 24. "Almost every comedy show or satire show I see uses the same talking points against George W. Bush and Dick Cheney," Surnow told Variety in November. "The other side hasn't been skewered in a fair and balanced way." Talking points? Fair and balanced? That's not the language of the writers' room. In any case, you couldn't skewer a cube of tofu with material this dull. It will play to the base, maybe, especially if the base hands the remote control to its 12-year-old son. As a humorless liberal, I can handle it. It's the conservatives—the ones with actual gifts for comedy—who ought to be sharpening their knives.